Baby in one hand, wooden spoon in the other

Category Archives: making coffee

Coffee with a friend - what could be nicer?

Coffee with a friend while the babies play – what could be nicer?

It’s time to reveal another of The One-Handed Cook’s all-time favourite bits of kitchen kit. This week my hero gadget is the cafetiere.

I love coffee. I love coffee made at home in my cafetiere, and I love coffee in cafés. When my children were babies, it was such a treat to pack up their little tubs of food and bags of rice cakes and retreat to the warmth of a cosy café with another mum for a chat and a coffee THAT SOMEONE ELSE HAD MADE FOR ME. Such a joy. It almost made the lack of sleep worth it, just for that first sip of dark bitter liquid enlaced with creamy milk. Oh yes.

At home I always use a cafetiere for my coffee. It’s an absolute must-have for any tired parent in need of a coffee to keep them going at home, and has four key benefits:

  1. It’s cheap to buy (take note, Nespresso fans – you’ll soon get bored of forking out for those pod things).
  2. It makes decent coffee. Experiment with the amount of ground coffee you put in; you can make a really good cup. Trust me.
  3. You can make a cafetiere of coffee one-handed; simply just boil the kettle, add scoops of coffee (how many depends on what ungodly hour your little one clambered in to your bed in for a cuddling/wriggling/head-butting session), wait for a bit, and then push down the button, and pour into favourite cup.
  4. You can buy little cafetiere jackets to keep the coffee in your cafetiere hotter for longer – an essential purchase for all parents – you’ve made the coffee, but who knows when you are actually going to be able to drink it? When you do get to it, you want it to actually be hot! I got mine on Amazon, and it really works.
Cafetiere in its jacket with my favourite mug.

Cafetiere in its jacket with my favourite mug.

Enjoy your coffee this fine November morning. Even better, enjoy it with a friend 🙂



The One-Handed Cook

Baby in one hand, wooden spoon in the other

a whisk and a spoon

connoisseur of fine cake


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n. frugality; the quality of being economical with money or food.